2014. augusztus 15., péntek

Mi lett volna ha...?

2014. július 27., vasárnap

You must be the square root of two. Caus' I feel irrational around you.

"Szoroználak kettővel, te oszthatóság éke, 
Minden negatív dolognak abszolútértéke. 
S, ha kérdeznéd a vágyamat, felelhetném máris: 
A gyök kettőhöz hasonlóan irracionális. 
Javaslom, hát, ne várjunk, hogy mihamarabb meglásd,
Mi történik, akkor, hogyha összeadjuk egymást.."

A fraction of my love to great to ever measure, every moment counts, adding memories to treasure.
the sum total of our assets show a wealth of poverty,
decreasing not our lovestruck bliss there for all to see.
love a common denominator when issues divide,
if all we had to eat was a bit of humble PI,
i would value every bit ,you're the reason why,
multiply the highest number, decimals do not miss,
thats how long i'll love you, as equals we exist 

Gyakorlunk matekot? Téged meg engem összeadnánk, ruháinkat levonnák, lábainkat eloszthatnánk, és mi sokszorozódhatnánk!


I’m sure that I will always be 
A lonely number like root three 

The three is all that’s good and right, 
Why must my three keep out of sight 
Beneath the vicious square root sign, 
I wish instead I were a nine 

For nine could thwart this evil trick, 
with just some quick arithmetic 

I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321 
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality 

When hark! What is this I see, 
Another square root of a three 

As quietly co-waltzing by, 
Together now we multiply 
To form a number we prefer, 
Rejoicing as an integer 

We break free from our mortal bonds 
With the wave of magic wands 

Our square root signs become unglued 
Your love for me has been renewed